Adjustment Repurchase program of own shares Addition of repurchases on the ordinary trading line and change of purpose of the programme

On 11 December 2019, the Board of Directors decided to extend the current program by a second trading line to buy back shares on the ordinary trading line and at the same time to adjust the purpose of the program so that the shares can also be used for general treasury management purposes. The changes are connected with the entry into force of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and AHV financing on 1 January 2020.


Share buyback programme

Buyback of own shares: addition of repurchases on the ordinary trading line and change of purpose

Rückkauf eigener Aktien: Ergänzung um Rückk.ufe auf der ordentlichen Handelslinie und Änderung des Verwendungszwecks

Rachat d’actions propres: Ajout des rachats sur la ligne de négoce ordinaire et changement d’objet

27 December 19, 7:03 PM

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